El Moore

Originally built in 1898, The El Moore was transformed into one of the most unique residential properties in all of MidTown. Close attention was paid to careful historical restoration however the hallmark of this project was its emphasis on sustainability aspects including: geothermal HVAC, energy recovery units, 10” thick polyiso/cellulose insulation, solar PV panels, high-efficiency windows, LED/CFL lighting, rain water harvesting and tank-less HWH’s. The use of recycled building materials was also emphasized: 66% of all wood studs, 90% - wood flooring, door and window trim, 50% of plaster wood lath was re-purposed in the building, 75% - wood paneling, 50% - ceramic tile, 100% - historic metal railing along with countless salvaged materials from nearby properties including: clay tile roofing and metal windows for greenhouse. A truly trans-formative project for the neighborhood.
CLIENT: Green Garage (GG)
LOCATION: Detroit, Michigan
ARCHITECT: GG / Ted Berlinghof
CONTRACT AMOUNT: $3,600,000.00
SIZE: 24,000 square feet